
Public Health Scotland

Resources for employers and employees to reduce workplace absence

Working Health Services Scotland (WHSS) is a free NHSScotland service for employers and employees. WHSS offers referral and advice services for those struggling to attend work due to a health condition and supports workers to safely return to and stay at work.

AAA PRgloo Toolkit

AAA Screening Social Media Toolkit

Public Health Scotland released a report today which shows there has been a 13.5% increase in the number of men who received their abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening in the last year.

Public Health Scotland

Access to healthcare – GP registration cards: Information for GP practice staff

Everyone has a right to healthcare, but registering with a GP can be more difficult for some people in marginalised communities. This includes people experiencing homelessness, refugees, people seeking asylum and Gypsy/Travellers.