
Chat. Sign. Protect. Hero Image

A reminder to encourage parents and carers to sign and return their child’s vaccine consent forms.

The campaign Chat. Sign. Protect. aims to raise awareness of the vaccines offered to young people in secondary school and remind parents and carers to sign and return the vaccine consent forms before the deadline.     

Chat. Sign. Protect. Hero Image

A reminder to encourage parents and carers to sign and return their child’s vaccine consent forms.

The campaign Chat. Sign. Protect. aims to raise awareness of the vaccines offered to young people in secondary school and remind parents and carers to sign and return the vaccine consent forms before the deadline.     

Vaccines for Students-3

#Vaccines4Students Social Media Toolkit

Students are at increased risk of infectious diseases like meningitis and measles. These diseases spread easily in universities and colleges, as students mix closely with others from around the country and overseas. The new term for Scottish universities and colleges is an important opportunity to remind students of free vaccinations provided by the NHS in Scotland.