MMR Against Measles Social Media Toolkit
Cases of measles are continuing to rise in the UK and Europe. Public Health Scotland (PHS) is working with health boards to monitor the number of cases in Scotland closely. Updates are published on the PHS website every Thursday.
Measles is one of the most highly infectious diseases and can lead to serious and potentially life-threatening complications. Fortunately, there's a free measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine available which is over 95% effective in protecting people against measles.
To help raise awareness, Public Health Scotland has developed a social media toolkit with assets and suggested captions aimed at:
- parents of children starting primary or secondary school this August
- young people planning on attending festivals this summer, or going to college or university
- young people and families planning on travelling outside of Scotland this summer.
We would appreciate you regularly feeding these social media assets into your planned activity using the hashtag #DontLetMeasles. Alt text is also available for each asset.
We’ve also drafted suggested content for newsletters and websites, which you can share with your networks or add to your platforms.
To get the campaign underway, we’ve posted on the following PHS social media channels. Sharing and liking the below posts is a great way to help raise awareness.
For more information visit www.nhsinform.scot/MMRagainstMeasles
Your support is much appreciated.