Chat. Sign. Protect.
The campaign Chat. Sign. Protect. aims to raise awareness and encourage uptake of the vaccines offered to young people in secondary school.
All young people in S1 and S3 are offered the HPV, MenACWY and DTP vaccines which protect them against serious diseases, such as meningitis and different cancers.
The campaign encourages parents/carers and their young people to chat about the free vaccines offered, before signing and returning their consent form to school.
To raise awareness of the vaccines and encourage uptake, Public Health Scotland has created a social media toolkit with assets and captions to share on your social media channels.
This includes new short clips which have been developed in partnership with Young Scot which show two young people asking a vaccinator common questions they have around vaccinations.
All the resources, sized for different channels, are available to download here.
From now, until the end of March, could you please regularly feed these social media assets into your planned activity using the hashtag #ChatSignProtect.
For more information visit www.nhsinform.scot/chat-sign-protect
Your support is much appreciated.