Quit Your Way
Smoking is one of the single largest preventable causes of premature death and ill health in Scotland. It causes approximately 8,260 smoking-related deaths every year in Scotland and is responsible for around 40,766 hospital admissions.
Smoking quit attempts in Scotland have been falling since 2011, they have more than halved in the last twelve years. Public Health Scotland recently chaired a Review of smoking cessation services in Scotland, one of the main recommendations of which was the focus on the promotion of stop smoking services.
In response to this, Public Health Scotland has worked closely with NHS 24 and NHS boards to develop the Quit Your Way stop-smoking campaign.
To raise awareness of Quit Your Way Scotland and encourage more smokers to access the service, PHS has created a social media toolkit with assets and captions to share on your channels.
All the resources, sized for different channels, are available to download here.
Please could you regularly feed these social media assets into your planned activity using the hashtag #QuitYourWay
For more information visit www.QuitYourWay.Scot