Be alert to symptoms of meningitis and measles
Cases of measles are on the rise and, as is often the case in winter, we have seen a small increase in invasive meningococcal disease, including meningitis, in recent weeks.
With lots of people coming together in confined environments and close mixing, universities and colleges present the perfect opportunity for diseases such as measles and meningitis to spread.
That’s why we’ve developed this toolkit to help you to protect your students. It contains social media assets and suggested caption contact which can be adapted to reflect local arrangements such as drop-in vaccine clinics or details of your local immunisation team if known. We’ve also included template copy which could be used for direct communications with students, such as emails and text messages as well as on websites and newsletters.
All the resources, sized for different channels, are available to download here. Please could you regularly feed these social media assets into your planned activity using the hashtags provided.
If you need to contact your local NHS immunisation team, find their contact details at www.nhsinform.scot/gettingvaccinations