A reminder to encourage parents and carers to sign and return their child’s vaccine consent forms.
The campaign Chat. Sign. Protect. aims to raise awareness of the vaccines offered to young people in secondary school and remind parents and carers to sign and return the vaccine consent forms before the deadline.
All young people in S1 and S3 are offered the HPV, MenACWY and DTP vaccines which protect them against serious diseases, such as meningitis and different cancers.
The campaign encourages parents/carers and their young people to chat about the free vaccines offered, before signing and returning their consent form to school.
Schools have an important role to play in raising awareness of the vaccines being offered and encouraging uptake. To help with this, PHS has created a social media toolkit. This contains assets and captions for secondary schools to share on social media channels
- Click here to download the social media assets. You’ll be able to download these for Facebook, Instagram or X, depending what social media platforms your school uses.
- Click here to view the social media toolkit. You’ll see wording which can be posted alongside the asset on your chosen social media platform to encourage consent form returns by your deadline.
There are also email and SMS templates available on the Public Health Scotland Marketing Resource Centre for you to adapt for your school communications.
Please could you regularly feed these social media assets into your planned activity using the hashtag #ChatSignProtect.
Please don’t forward this email on to parents or carers.
For more information visit www.nhsinform.scot/chat-sign-protect
Your support is much appreciated.